Sundays at 10:30am + 1pm

The digital world has changed parenting.
We’re in new territory.
What do we do?
How do we keep our kids safe?
We’ve found a solution.
Next-talk faith-based video study is designed to answer these questions. Our goal is to walk you through 9 weeks of “first-steps” so you can start implementing the solution. We’re parents just like you. We’ve recorded this video study in real-time, continually learning what it means to be a cyberparent in today’s world.
NextTalk Parenting seminar is a 9 week faith-based small group video study designed to equip & empower parents in today's cyber world.
Discover how to keep your kids safe in this new online world we live in, which has been accelerated during Covid. Learn about how to handle phones, social media, pornography, sexuality, suicide, cutting, and more.
Next Talk starts Sunday, September 8, at 12:15noon.
To register free of charge visit
The problem. The solution. Video 1
It begins with me.
Video 2
Open Communication in my Marriage.
Video 3
Creating a Culture of Conversation with my Kids.
Video 4
Phones. Contracts. Social Media.
Video 5
Video 6
Sex. Sexuality. Transgender.
Video 7
Stress can lead to: Screen Addiction. Cutting. Suicide.
Video 8
Parenting without Fear
Video 9
Each lesson is approximately 30 minutes and features dads, moms and kids. Discussion questions and resources are provided at the end of every video.