Sundays at 10:30am + 1pm

Would you consider serving at Celebration Church Toronto?
There are many ways to get involved, and they are outlined below. The Scriptures tell us, every person has a gift. Ephesians 4 tells us, "There is one body and one spirit... and to each one of us grace was given... the whole body being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part..."
Celebration Church welcomes and invites you to use your gift in this church body.
Here are a few statements from volunteers here at Celebration Church:
"Serving in the Body is a gift that keeps on giving. I receive so much joy to see how people are lifted in spirit as a result of what they experience in the service. For instance if I'm filming with the video camera, I'm elated when I capture someone intimate in worship or leaning forward/pressing in to receive the Word, and then seeing how those individuals' countenance lights up from what they're getting. It's such a precious gift to me.
So I call the opportunity to serve "in my Father's house" a gift that keeps giving because I honestly consider it a gift to be able to serve. It encourages my soul so much, and in that way, I'll say I'm bolstered. Yes, it takes time and energy, and is sometimes mentally & physically demanding to be in a position of service, but the end result always brings joy and pleasure, because we know that we've helped people in their walk of faith. Every day it's so very rewarding."
"Serving the Lord and others means I have found the purpose of living. To live is to serve. To serve Him means to serve others. When I look at what the Lord has done in my life, to serve Him and others is not an obligation but an opportunity."
"God has taught me to do my best for Him. This comes to me even more urgently, when missionary friends have to come back to Canada because they no longer can teach children the gospel of Jesus Christ in China (the door is closed). This really hit home to me. So far we don't have limited restrictions now in Canada, but that does not mean that we would not have more in the future. That keeps me pressing on, while the time is open, to share the good news of salvation to everyone and anyone."
3 Reasons Why We Serve
1. It’s Scriptural
The word serve, servant or service occurs in variation over 1,100 times in the New Testament. It’s safe to say that the Lord is clearly emphasizing how important it is to serve. He not only emphasized it, but He demonstrated it. In Matthew 20:28 it says “Even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” We, like Jesus, follow the Biblical example of serving those around us – in our homes, our communities and in our Church family. However, we do not serve to make God accept us. He accepts us because He loves us. No, instead, we love & serve because He loved & served us!
2. To use our gifts
1 Peter 4:10 says “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” God has entrusted every person with specific gifts that should be used for Gospel work. It is our responsibility to steward our gifts well. Do not allow these gifts to lie dormant or unused. Your gift is needed and essential to the Body – “God has placed each part in the body just as he wanted it to be. If all the parts were the same, how could there be a body? As it is, there are many parts. But there is only one body” (1 Corinthians 12:18-20).
3. To Grow
As new Christians, we naturally take time to learn about this new relationship with Jesus. But as we mature in faith, we grow as we put what we know into action. One such way is by serving. Serving can be stretching but it allows us to grow our gifts. We grow most when we move from being spectators and being participators. Serving is one of the best ways to meet new people, make friends, stay connected and use your gifts. We recommend you serve in the service you attend. The number one requirement… know how to smile. Any other skills can be learned!
Please choose your area to serve in the form provided on this page.